Sports Teams
Our children have a busy year ahead of them, entering teams into a variety of sports competitions. We'll keep you updated with how our teams get on, allowing us to celebrate all their hard work and athletisism.
Our aim is to allow children to participate in a variety of sports, some of which they would otherwise never have the opportunity to play competitivley. This year, our event list includes competitions in sports including hockey, football, dodgeball and many more. Of course, we will also keep you updated and celebrate our sporting achievements across the school in our Friday parents assemblies.

Hockey March '25
We entered 2 teams into the multi-school hockey competition, once again, hosted by JB Sport & Education. Both teams played incredibly well, battling hard against some challenging opposition throughout the day. In the end, it was a Bardney A versus Bardney B final, winner takes all match. We are incredibly proud of both teams, demonstrating great drive and sportsmanship throughout the tournament. Well done!

Girls Football Competition Nov '24
Once again this year, we took part in the JB Sports and Education girls football competition. It was a hotly contested event, with more teams than ever before entering. Both of our teams did brilliantly well, representing the school fantastically throughout the day. Both our Bardney teams played each other in the semi-finals, with one of our teams going on to win the competition overall. Well done to everyone involved. Fantastic effort.

Year 5/6 Rugby Competition OcT '24
We took part in the JB Sports and Education tag rugby tournament. Great sportsmanship was shown and an amazing amount of effort was demonstrated to come home as winners. Only conceeding one try throughout the competition, the children representing our school have done us proud. Well done!

Year 3/4 Hockey Competition 23/24
We entered a team into a local competition involving over 20 other teams. Our children represented the school brilliantly, showing great sportsmanship and athletic ability. To top off a brilliant competition, our team got all the way to the final and won! Well done to all involved!
Y1/2 Multi Skills Competition 23/24
In the Spring term, we entered a team of 10 year 1 and 2 children into the JB Sports and Education multi skills competition. With just over 200 athletes iin total competing against each other on the day, our children worked incredibly hard, trying their very best in every event.
With only 8 medals available at the conclusion of the competition, our children did very well to bring 2 medals back to school, celebrating their hard work and positive attitude. Well done to our multi skills competitors, we are very proud of your efforts.
Girls Football Competition 23/24
Once again this year, we entered teams into the girls' football competition run by JB Sports. It was a brilliant even with 16 teams taking part. Both of our teams had a great time and represented our school wonderfully.
Unfortunately, both teams met in the semi-finals of the competition, meaning a dream cup final meeting between the two would not happen. However, we finished the competition well, with one team placing third and one winning - lifting the trophy at the end of the event. Well done girls! We are all immensely proud,

Year 3/4 Hockey Competition 23/24
We entered a team into a local competition involving over 20 other teams. Our children represented the school brilliantly, showing great sportsmanship and athletic ability. To top off a brilliant competition, our team got all the way to the final and won! Well done to all involved!
Year 5/6 Handball competition 23/24
We entered a team into the JB Sports run Year 5/6 handball competition at the start of March. Our team worked exceptionally hard, showing great determination and wonderful teamwork throughout the competition.
Throughout the competition, we conceeded only 3 goals whilst scoring almost 40 ourself! In the end, the squad of 5 managed to bring back yet another trophy to add to our wonderful season of sport. Well done!