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Year 6

Hello and welcome to our Year 6 class page. 

Although we may be at the end of our journey in primary school, we strive to make the last year  a memorable one. Hard work, focus and determination will allow us to achieve and grow by the time we finish this year - perfect preparation for the challenges that lie ahead in secondary school. Below, we will keep you up to date with key information that is relevant to our class as well as uploading photos of our work, giving you an insight as to what we have been doing in class.


Term 2 Newsletter


Class Tips:

TT Rockstars

All children have still got access to their TT Rockstars account. This is still a very useful resource to utilise, as it will encourage both speed and fluency in our timestable knowledge. So log on and see if your can improve your average speed!

Spelling Shed

We have subscibed to Spelling Shed to support with our spelling development. Every week, children are set an assignment to complete by logging in and playing fun and interactive games. Login can be accessed by clicking here.

Revision Tools

All Year 6 children have been added to our very own group on Teams. When logged in, if children click on the files tab, they will have full access to a range of revision material for subjects including: mathsreading, and SPaG

PE Kit

We have PE on a Wednesday afternoon. It is worth remembering that PE may be outside, so appropriate clothing will be necessary to keep us  warm. PE kit should be available for use Monday to Friday as there may be some others lessons which could require the use of our kits.

Useful Websites:

KS2 Bitesize Revision 

10 Minute Tests (SPaG and Maths)

English Games

Maths SATs - categorised questions from past papers

Spelling Games





D&T - Making a fairground ride

We have carried out some research into rides that we go on at the fairground. From here, we have considered how they could be created in toy form, aimed at children for Christmas time.


Check out some photos of us beginning to create our very own fairground ride model.


World Book Day





We got to celebrate World Book Day by dressing up as characters from books. In tribute to the Scottish adults in the class, we even had our very own William Wallace (Braveheart) in for the day!