Welcome to the Year 3's Class Page!
Class Teacher: Miss Booker
Class Teaching Assistants: Mrs Timmins & Mr Quarton
This page will give you some key information about our class and show you some of the amazing learning that takes place. You will also find useful information and links to help support your child at home.
World book day!
We have had a fantastic World Book Day in Year 3!

Forest School
Monday 10th February 2025
We have had a fantastic time in forest school this term! We ended our term of forest school telling stories around the fire, drinking hot chocolate and melting marshmallows for smores!
Forest School
Monday 13th January 2025
We have been having lots of messy, muddy fun in Forest School. Here are some pictures of our tree spirits we designed and made using clay and natural resources, and the fun we've been getting up to!
Next term we are delighted to have Forest School on Monday mornings until lunch time. We will start this from the start of term on Monday 6th January 2025 so they will need their change of clothes for the first day back.
Children will need to come to school in their normal school clothes and will get changed before the session and get changed after back into school uniform as we might get muddy!
Please can your child bring in a change of clothes for forest school, including wellies. As it will be January and more than likely very cold, bring lots of layers so they are warm as we are outside all morning whether its sun, rain, snow or anything else in between! Please don’t send the children in with anything that they can’t get messy or muddy.
We hope you have a magical, restful Christmas break and we will see you in the new year.
Miss Booker 😊
We have designed our own Cracking Contraption and written an explanation text in English about it for Wallace and Gromit to use. We would love to make these out of recyclable materials in December. Please could you start sending in any clean recyclable materials with your child so we can model these later in the term?
Thank you,
Miss Booker
- PE takes place on a Friday afternoon. Please have suitable kit in school.
- Reading records should be brought into school every day. Remember to get them signed everyday as proof your reading at home to be entered into the Reading Raffle!
- Homework is sent home on a Friday and is due back the following Thursday.
Year 3 Spring 2 curriculum
English - Balanced Arguments.
Mathematics - Multiplication & Division, Length & Perimeter and Fractions.
Science - Animals including Humans.
Religious Education - Christianity - What is the Holy Trinity?
History - The Stone Age to The Iron Age.
Design & Technology - Levers and Linkages - Easter Cards.
PSHE - Stealing & Grief.
Computing - Desktop Publishing.
PE - Outdoor Adventurous Activity
Half-Termly Class Newsletters
Please click on the links to see our Class Newsletters: