Class Teacher: Miss Clark
Class Teaching Assistant: Miss Priestley
This page will give you some key information about our class and show you some of the amazing learning that takes place. You will also find useful information and links to help support your child at home.
Key Information
- PE is every Wednesday with JB sports coaches, Reception will be getting changed from this term and therefore will need named kit each week.
- Forest school is every Monday afternoon - Please make sure children has a weather approporate kit with them as well as wellies.
- Reading books will be changed every Wednesday. Please ensure all books are returned including the bedtime story books.
- Please can children bring their reading records and books everyday as we read with the children independentley in school.
Spring 2 Curriculum
This term we are focusing on ‘We Are All Growing’. We will be exploring the season of Spring and how we know that Spring has arrived. We will also be learning about different stages of human life (baby, toddler, child, teenager, adult and elderly) as well as life cycles of some animals including watching caterpillars grow into butterflies!
In RE this term our topic is ‘creation’ we will be focusing on what ‘God’ means to Christians and why God is important in Christian faith.
Class Newsletters
Please see below class newsletters attached below.
Woodside Animal Park Trip
We all had a fantastic time when we visited Woodside animal park. We got to see lots of different animals and learn all about their habitats.
Home Learning & Useful resources
Please see below attachments and links that will provide useful resources to assist you with supporting your child's learning at home.
Support for Phonics:
Spring 1 Learning
Come and see all the fun and enjoyment we have had whilst learning all about animals and Chinese New Year this term.
Forest school fun
Look at all the things we have learnt in forest school this term!
Dick Whittington
The children had a fantastic time watching our christmas pantomime. Lots of laughter and joy as the children joined in with the performance.
Christingle and Nativity Service
We are very proud of all the children who took part in this year nativity performance, made extra special with our carol and christingle service.