Welcome to our Nursery Class Page
Nursery Teachers: Mrs Barton & Mrs Height
Nursery Assistants: Miss Palin & Miss Ruby
Key information
Every Wednesday morning Nursery will take part in PE led by JB sports. Nursery will not be getting changed for PE, but please make sure they are wearing suitable footwear.
Every Monday afternoon, Nursery will take part in forest school led by Mr Huntley. Please make sure children are provided with wellies and suitable clothing which you do not mind getting muddy!
Children will bring home a bedtime story book every week for you to enjoy with your child. Reading has such a big impact on your child's learning experience and we love to encourage a natural love of reading and therefore appreciate your support in reading with your child at home.

Spring 1 Curriculum - Animals
This term we will be focusing on 'Animals'. We will be learning about different types of animals and where they live. Children will be exploring animals that are all around us and visit a local wildlife park. As Chinese New Year will be celebrated this term, we will be finding out how our friends celebrate this and what traditions they follow.
We will continue our 'Rhyme Time' and 'Tuning into Sounds' session as part of our phonics scheme, Little Wandle. We will have the opportunity to learn and perform new nursery rhymes and think about the sounds and rhyming words that we can hear.
Below are some photos from our exciting learning this term:
Please find attached below a copy of our EYFS newsletter.
Useful resources for parents
Please see below attachments and links that will provide useful resources to assist you with supporting your child's learning at home.