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Welcome to Year 5's class page

Class Teachers: Miss Puddephatt and Mr Bielby

TA: Mrs Scott

Key Information:

  • On Monday mornings we will be swimming. Please ensure you have your kit in school.
  • PE takes place every Wednesday afternoon, please have your kit and hair ties in school. 
  • Reading records should be brought into school everyday. Remember to get them signed everyday as proof you are reading at home to be entered into the Reading Raffle!
  • Maths or English homework is sent home on a Friday and is due back by the following Thursday morning.

Key Links:

Spelling Shed

  • We have subscibed to Spelling Shed to support with our spelling development. Every week, children are set an assignment to complete by logging in and playing fun and interactive games. Login can be accessed by clicking here.

Times Tables Rockstars

  • Remember to practise at home as much as possible to improve your accuracy and speed. 
ttrs logo

Half Termly Newsletters

Please click on the link below to see our Class Newsletter. 

Music- Term 3 and 4

During terms 3 and 4, year 5 are fortunate enough to be taught Brass by Mrs Ellis from the Lincolnshire Music Services. Each child will be loaned either a trumpet or trombone to practice at home between lessons. Below are some resources to support children with practicing at home. Instruments must be brought into school every THURSDAY.

1.-Cha-Cha-Cha-Cha-Cha.mp32.-We-will-rock-you.mp33.-Boogie-shoes.mp34.-We-are-gonna-rock-today.mp35. Hot cross buns.mp3

Term 4 - World Book Day

This term we celebrated World Book Day.

We dressed up as characters from our favourate books, attended Live World Book Day lessons with children from other schools, played Guess the Reader (where we tried to guess the staff members hidden behind the book) and took part in some paired reading with children from Key Stage One.

Term 4 - Tractor Visit

This term we were fortunate enough to have a visit from Mr Poucher in connection with the Lincolnshire Agricultural Society Education Team.

We got to ask lots of questions, explore the tractor and learn about the agricultural and environmental processes in the region.


Term 3 - Energy from Waste Trip

This term we had a fabulous time visiting the Lincolnshire Energy from Waste Centre in North Hykeham.

This learning supports our current Geography unit on Sustainability. We learnt a lot of interesting facts to help us live more sustainable lives and protect the planet going forward.


This term we completed a week of Bikeability training, we thoroughly enjoyed it! It helps us to be safe and confident cyclists, equipping us with practical skills and road safety awareness. 

Term 1 - Forest School

We've had a wonderful time in forest school this term! Mr Huntley led our sessions and kept us very busy. The sessions have allowed us to explore the forest school area at our own pace, fostering independence, creativity and confidence. We have developed our practical skills, a deeper connection to nature and a sense of responsibility for the environment.