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Enrichment Activities

Children at Bardney C of E & Methodist Primary School enjoy a wide range of enrichment activities, including art, drama, music and dance. The curriculum is also widened through educational visits, visitors in school and themed weeks. Please keep an eye on the class pages to find out what our children have been up to this year. 


Forest school

We are very proud to be able to offer Forest School sessions to all pupils at Bardney Church of England and Methodist Primary School. We work with a qualified Forest School instructor every week in our dedicated Forest School area. These sessions allow children embrace the great outdoors, learn new skills and make the most of our fantastic rural area. 

After School Clubs

We also offer a wide range of after school clubs that are run by school staff, such as multi sports, football, wellbeing, nature, curling, maths, film, expressive arts, board games and production club.

These change on a regular basis. 

Please contact the School Office or visit the Arbor parent app for details of which clubs are currently running and to sign up. 

Young Voices

What an amazing experience our school choir had performing in Young Voices 2025! The children performed in the worlds biggest choir which had over 4500 children performing. They got to perform with David Lawrence, a world famous conductor as well as special guests including MC Grammar, Tommy Blaize and Souparnika Nair. 

Musician in Residence

This term we have been very lucky to welcome Dave Mitchell from 'Louder than Life', who completed a worshop with every year group in the school in Japanese Taiko drumming. Everyone had a fanstastic time learning traditional chants and drumming styles. Every year group commented on how they really liked the respect shown whilst performing this. Of course, they all enjoyed how loud it was too!

We ended the day with Year 6 performing their Japanese Taiko drumming to the whole school. 


Lincolnshire Music service instrumental Lessons

At Bardney, we are members of the Lincolnshire Music service, meaning if your child is interested in instrumental lessons we can provide these with a specialist teacher within school. Please see attached flyer for more information regarding this service.

Lincolnshire Music hub

Music Centres  (1)