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Welcome to Year 2

Class Teacher: Mrs Thomas

Class Teaching Assistants: Miss Fisk and Miss Bellwood

This page will give you some key information about our class and show you some of the amazing learning that takes place.  You will also find useful information and links to help support your child at home.  


Monday mornings: Home/school reading book change.

Monday afternoons: P.E with our JB Sports coaches.

Friday mornings: Achievement Assembly at 8:50am.

Children will need to bring their reading books and reading records with them to school every day as we read daily.

Autumn term 2

Curriculum overview:

English - Writing instructions to make a gingerbread house and retelling a story

Maths - Addition and Subtraction and Shape

Science - Living things and their habitats 

History - Explorers and  Adventurers

Computing - Digital Photography

RE - Life journey: Islam 

PSHE -  Healthy Eating and Brushing Teeth

DT - Making moving toys

PE - Gymnastics   


Autumn term 2


Please see our Term 2 newsletter and home learning documents below.

In Year 2, we encourage children to complete some home learning to help consolidate their learning from school at home,

Children who complete tasks from the optional home learning chart will receive house points for each piece they bring in!

Reading & Phonics

It is really important for children to read regularly at home.  It's also great practice for children to listen to stories being read to them. Try to read for a few minutes every day and record it in your child's reading record. If your child has 5 reading entry's in a week, they will be entered into our school  reading raffle which is drawn every half term! They could win the opportunity to choose a book of their own to the value of £10.


Please see the link below to the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds parent help page for tips on how to help your child with phonics at home.


Numbots & Times Table Rockstars

Children in year 2 are expected to be confident when recalling the 2, 5 and 10 timestables.

Using apps such as Numbots and TT Rocks will give children an opportunity to practice their number bonds and timestables at home in a fun, interactive way!

Click the icons below to go to the login pages.


Our 3D art project - Term 1
